
Building Enclosure Design and Termite Prevention in Hot & 潮湿的气候


This webinar will examine the unique considerations of building enclosure design for light-frame wood multi-family and commercial projects in hot and humid climates, 以南方地区为重点. 除了管理热流, 空气流, 蒸汽流动, the session will include considerations for termite prevention for long-term durability. It will commence with an overview of fundamental building enclosure design principles and considerations, progressing to explore optimal practices for various light-frame enclosure assemblies and details, drawing from technical guidelines and case studies. There will also be a brief examination of termite species encountered in hot and humid climates, focusing on preventive measures and control strategies for buildings. The session will emphasize initial design approaches to deter termite ingress and effective maintenance protocols for ongoing surveillance. Attendees will learn how to apply key strategies to design light-frame wood buildings for durability and longevity.

Bonus content – attendees are invited to stay for the end of the non-accredited portion of the webinar featuring WoodWorks Partner Sterling Structural for a manufacturer Q&A. 学习 more about their products and services and how they can be a resource on your next project.

2024年8月14日:美国东部时间下午1:00 -2:30
与会者可获得1.5个AIA/CES HSW lu.5个PDH学分或0.15个国际商会学分


大卫·福特,P.E., rrc, rwc, leed ap |沃尔特·P. 摩尔

David is a licensed professional engineer and a Senior Principal and Managing Director of the Diagnostics Group at Walter P 摩尔, serving as the firmwide director for the Enclosure Diagnostics Practice. His technical expertise ranges from building forensics and performance to the restoration and rehabilitation of existing structures and capital asset management planning. 大卫调查过, 分析了, and designed structural and enclosure systems for buildings throughout North America, and has contributed to industry organizations and technical conferences to share his knowledge. David earned his BS in Architectural Engineering (Summa Cum Laude) from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, and a MS in Civil Engineering (Structures) from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

信仰米. Oi, Ph值.D. | University of Florida, Entomology and Nematology Dept.  

Dr. Oi is the Director of Pest Management University and Florida’s statewide school Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. She also directs graduate students and works 关闭ly with industry on research designed to solve pest problems important to Florida. Dr. Oi earned her PhD from the University of Florida (Gainesville), Entomology and Nematology Department, where she studied termite-foraging dynamics. She received her MS from the University of Hawai’i, Mā诺亚, 昆虫学系, 她在哪里从事农业工作. 

The Brooklyn Riverside / Dwell Design Studio / photo Pollack Shores